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Midnight Sun

Midnight Sun (Twilight, #5)Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

"This book is dedicated to all the readers who have been such a happy part of my life for the last fifteen years. When we first met, many of you were young teenagers with bright, beautiful eyes full of dreams for the future. I hope that in the years that have passed, you've all found your dreams and that the reality of them was even better than you'd hoped." –Stephenie Meyer

⬆ I feel exclusively targeted by this dedication. It made me cry the first time I read it back in 2020, and I teared up again during this read-trhough.

And speaking of teenagers, this book makes it abundantly clear that the downside to being an immortal 17-year-old is an eternity of redundant overthinking and teen angst. Because I am pretty sure at least a quarter of this 658-page/25.82-hour book is Edward having the exact same mental dilemmas and defeatist thoughts over and over and over and over again.
("Is this The Big Thing that will make Bella leave even though I've already wondered if 200 other incidents would be that Thing?"...
"I'm going to kill her. I'm not going to kill her. Oh no—I'm going to kill her"...
"I'm strong enough to leave. I'm not strong enough to leave. I'm strong enough to leave."...
Etc., etc. into an unchanging future with no foreseeable end)

Overall, I do enjoy Midnight Sun despite Edward's incessant, repetitive mental monotony. (To be fair, Twilight fans could have already presumed as much from his character.) I loved additional snippets of the Cullens' history. I think it was a great addition to the Twilight series, but I do not blame Meyer for letting Edward's perspective end with the first book. I can imagine how much of a nightmare this was to write—even if it was fun to read as a fan. I cannot imagine the torture of writing or reading New Moon in Edward's point of view.

Regarding the audiobook version... Unfortunately, I hate Jake Abel's narration. I could get over his voice not "fitting" what I imagine Edward's voice should be, but I do not think I have ever heard a male narrator with a worse portrayal of female voices. And every time a character is screaming or yelling about something, it is awful. The "There is no other option!" line from Chapter 22 made me want to cringe into nonexistence.

Story Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars
Audiobook Performance Rating: 2 out of 5 Stars

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