
Showing posts from July, 2021

Favorite Quotes Shuffle [Read, Refresh, Repeat]

Ready or Not

Ready or Not by Meg Cabot My rating: 4 of 5 stars I live for character dynamics like Lucy & Harold which probably exist only in fiction. Also, this is a semi-decent SAT vocab prep book (hahaha). ❧ View all my Goodreads reviews.

All-American Girl

All-American Girl by Meg Cabot My rating: 4 of 5 stars I saw this sitting on my bookshelf and decided to reread it to celebrate the long, Independence Day weekend. I had not read a Meg Cabot book since middle school or early high school, and reading All American Girl again made me realize it is a crime that I have gone so long without her novels. Sure, Cabot's books are not exactly what I would call intellectually stimulating. I can see how many could easily throw away her works as vapid or frivolous. But Cabot's books have always been guaranteed to have vast quantities of something just as important as mentally or emotionally riveting tales—her stories are fun . It is easy to see how she has won an award for ALA's Quick Pick for Reluctant Readers. I do not think I have ever read a Cabot book that has not made me laugh out loud and fall in love with the protagonist, no matter how foreign and unrelatable I might find that protagonist to my own life experience. I reme

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling My rating: 3 of 5 stars Order of the Phoenix has always been my least favorite book in the series. If any teenager has the right to have a serious case of teen angst and obnoxious self pity it is Harry Potter, but that does not make it any less annoying to have to read. The horrible politics going on at the Ministry of Magic is way too on the nose in comparison to the B.S. that goes on in real life, and it infuriates and depresses me every time. Also, I know this is not a HOT TAKE™, but Dolores Umbridge is a worse villain than Lord Voldemort himself. Other HP fans might be desperate for Rowling to release new behind the scenes info or next gen stories, but the only thing I am interested in reading is the official transcript from the trial where that bitch Umbridge finally gets her comeuppance and is sentenced to Azkaban. ❧ View all my Goodreads reviews.