
Showing posts from September, 2021

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Who Moved My Cheese?

Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson My rating: 1 of 5 stars I'm glad I was sent this for free rather than spending my own money on it because I would be demanding a refund. Self-improvement is a good thing. The ability to adapt to change is a good thing. These are obvious concepts that I can comprehend without the assistance of a fable targeted towards adults and written with demeaning audacity as if those adults were toddlers. I cannot think of a single children's parable I have ever read that treated its audience with the condescension of this gimmicky garbage. ❧ View all my Goodreads reviews.


Dune by Frank Herbert My rating: 3 of 5 stars Disjointed Thoughts From My First Time Reading Dune : • Herbert's descriptors are super weird and try-hard sometimes. And did he think his oddly clipped and formal writing style would somehow make his world more believable? I think it has the opposite effect. • I can't suspend my disbelief enough to accept that humans were intelligent enough to raise a jihad against artificial intelligence before it conquered them all. • I also can't wrap my brain around the fact that humans who were smart enough to overcome thinking machines devolved into feudalism (even if it's space feudalism)... Just steering as far in the other direction as they can go? • Maybe humans devolved into feudalism because they thought replacing computers with inordinate drug use was a bright idea? • Paul is some great prophesied messiah but to me, it seems like he just has excessively trippy drug side effect